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Technology & STEM

Holy Trinity has a high-speed internet connection with wireless access throughout both campuses. In addition, the school has traditional computer labs for instruction, as well as mobile carts for student use. All classrooms are outfitted with interactive projectors. Our faculty has identified and works to meet Baseline Technology Skills for each division. The infusion of technology into the classroom has been instrumental in enhancing student learning, improved communication, and information management skills. The School makes informed decisions on using technology to strike a balance between traditional instruction and the catalyst of new technologies to bring out the best in our students. In addition to general computer skills classes, each division incorporates a variety of activities into specific subject areas. Examples include projects utilizing word processing, spreadsheets, and multi-media presentations. Our students also undertake projects that involve statistical analysis, video production, desktop publishing, digital photography, coding and a variety of other activities.

At Holy Trinity, we use the strength of computers to promote collaborative learning, to improve research skills and information literacy, to develop critical thinking skills, to encourage creativity and to individualize learning across the curriculum.




The Daisy Lane School

At The Daisy Lane School, Technology is multi-faceted.  Technology is both a subject and is also integrated into classroom activities. Curriculum elements in both Explorer and Kindergarten classes have teacher-directed interactive components. Teachers use BrightLink Interactive Projectors to engage in differentiated instruction that enhances the learning experience for all students.  In The Daisy Lane School teachers and students have one-to-one access to Samsung 7’ tablets to use during learning centers (Explorer) or work stations (Kindergarten).  Our computer lab contains Dell laptops for each student. We are introducing coding and engineering concepts to Explorers and Kindergarten students using the Bee Bot robots and mats. We intend to also incorporate  makerspace projects into the technology curriculum.

Primary School

Students in grades 1 through 4 are instructed in dedicated weekly technology class equipped with desk tops for each student. They learn to navigate the ever-changing world of technology so they may become confident, capable users in the 21st century. Skills are developed and practiced in word processing, multimedia presentation, internet safety, digital citizenship, basic computer programming (coding and/or scratch), keyboarding and parts of the computer. The students have access to assorted software programs and selected websites that enhance instruction in math, reading and language arts. As practiced throughout the school, Technology is integrated into the classroom via cross-curricular projects and grades 1 and 2 have the use of iPod Touch while third and fourth graders have the use of netbooks within their classrooms. 

Primary School students also have access to a physical makerspace classroom that allows them to create grade level makerspace projects. As part of STEM learning, they are introduced to block-based coding using the Lego Education curriculum and LegoWeDo kits.

High School Prep

Our Technology program is an integrated part of curriculum which supports our core academic values of critical thinking, collaboration, communication, resourcefulness and creativity. A full computer lab is available for class instruction in technology as well as individual student and class use for curriculum area activities. Instruction in technology includes an introduction to coding, the use of Microsoft Office Suite, Keyboarding Skills and collaborative academic research with the use of the Google Drive apps. Through the use of laptops, tablets and interactive Bright Link projectors, teachers use technology resources to enhance their daily instruction. All students  participate in the 1:1 laptop program

Our High School Prep students participate in Hour of Code international initiative and are exposed to block based coding. There is the intention to expand coding knowledge beyond Hour of Code to include multiple units that highlight text based programming using the Tynker Learning platform.

High School Prep Laptop Program


Holy Trinity High School Prep has provided laptop resources in the classroom since 2009. Each year the curriculum has been enhanced to meet the evolving needs of 21st Century learners. To ensure technology is used to its maximum potential in the classroom, Holy Trinity: An Episcopal School reviews the curriculum on a yearly basis, carefully analyzing trends in education and the workplace environments to make the best possible decisions regarding technology usage in the curriculum for the future.

Holy Trinity: an Episcopal School is proud to continue the inclusion of technology and inquiry learning activities within our academic programming. As of 2017, all students are required to have access to an approved laptop for work at home and school. Keeping our students connected to and comfortable in navigating digital learning environments is key in our commitment to intentionally develop 21st Century Learning Skills necessary for success and achievement in high school that our alumni are known for.

Program Highlights:

      • The designated use of one device per one student, or 1:1, has allowed our teachers and staff to tailor learning and differentiated instruction to provide students with relevant, timely, and engaging resources and activities. As a part of the 1:1 Program, students will be assigned a device to use as a tool for learning. This device comes preloaded with the programs students most commonly use in each of their Holy Trinity classes as well as staff-controlled management software that allow teachers and staff to take the first steps in creating a blended learning environment while assisting students in staying on task during online activities in class.

      • The increased access to online resources and content such as, Blackbaud, Microsoft 365 Office Suites, ThinkCentral and Pearson Realize- ensures that students can work collaboratively and beyond the walls of their classroom. Students not only demonstrate a mastery of the three Rs (Reading, Writing, Arithmetic) but also the four Cs of a 21st Century Learner (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication).

      • Students are no longer expected to sit and listen, but now problem-solve and communicate what they have learned. The computer becomes another tool for learning, just as important as the pen and pencil or the paper and hardcopy textbook. This model has not only boosted student engagement but has exposed our teachers to new instructional strategies and concepts that promote critical thinking skills.

      • Parents and families benefit from a hybrid learning experience as well since they are able to be more directly involved in their students’ academic performance. Our assignment and grade portal, Blackbaud, allows parents to review their child(ren)’s work and identify areas of strength and those in need of growth. We have also seen and improvement in communication between parents and teachers, strengthening our triangle with every passing year.