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60th Diamond Anniversary


Holy Trinity invites you to be a part of a very special year as we celebrate our 60th Diamond Anniversary.

Let’s celebrate!












We are planning events to bring our entire community together: parents, alumni, and corporate community partners, as we celebrate our diamond year, 60 years of community, achievement, and excellence.



The 60 for 60 Anniversary Campaign is a way to celebrate and plan for future academic excellence.

Your gift to the 60 for 60  campaign is over and above your annual fund donation. Consider leaving your legacy by contributing to both and by doing so make a bigger difference. Our goal is to raise $60,000 to celebrate 60 years.

These resources will allow us to:

  •  Upgrade the remainder of our classrooms with large interactive touch screen Promethean boards.
  • Support the purchase of student event equipment for the Reiber Arts & Athletic Center, i.e. chairs, sound system, and staging.


The Diamond Hawk Memory Brick campaign 



Purchase a personalized bricks to celebrate our school’s long history, while leaving a lasting tribute in your name. 


You may individualize a brick for you, your family, an alumnus, or current students, as well as acknowledge a graduating class, honor a special teacher, staff member, or memorialize a loved one.


BRICK ORDERING: The opportunity to order bricks opened September 30, 2022 and closes December 16, 2022. Bricks will be installed in the Spring of 2023. There is limited space so place your order as soon as possible.



$125.00 – 4″x 8″ Brick 2 lines of text, 20 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation)

$250.00 – 8″ x 8″ Brick 5 lines of text, 20 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation)

$20.00 – You can also choose to offset the cost of this project by donating the cost per brick to our 60th Anniversary Campaign.


BRICK LOCATION DETAILS: You will have the option of choosing where you want your stone installed, either leading up to the main entry of Holy Trinity on the Daisy Lane campus or marking the path leading to Holy Trinity Church on the Annapolis Road campus.




If you would like to print an order form and submit a check, please download the form with the link below.